The researchers
Dr. Theresa Zammit Lupi
Theresa Zammit Lupi holds a first degree in History of Art from the University of Malta, after which she went on to study book and paper conservation in Florence and London. She received her doctorate in the Conservation of Manuscripts in 2009 from the University of the Arts London. In 2017 she was awarded a research fellowship at Harvard University focusing on Renaissance illuminated manuscripts. Theresa Zammit Lupi has worked in Malta, Italy, the UK, Switzerland, Egypt and Ethiopia, and has taught conservation and codicology in a number of countries. Since 2021 she has been working at the University of Graz in the Special Collections of the University Library, where she heads the conservation section. She is the author of a number of research papers and books in the field. Theresa Zammit Lupi is also an accredited member of the Institute of Conservation UK and a member of VÖB, Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare.

Prof. Dr. Erich Renhart
Erich Renhart studied theology in Graz and habilitated in liturgical studies with a focus on manuscript research. In 2005/06 he founded the "Vestigia (lat. "sources") – The Manuscript Research Centre of Graz University". Five years later, he became research director of the Special Collections at the University of Graz Library, and the Vestigia Research Centre was linked to the Special Collections. Erich Renhart works nationally and internationally especially on Latin, Greek, Armenian and Syrian manuscript heritage. He is currently researching a twice-written parchment manuscript from the 8th century. Its first Armenian text was erased, but remnants of it can be made legible again thanks to the latest technology. Renhart is a member of the Association Internationale des Études Arméniennes and the Société d'études syriaques.
Lena Krämer BA. MA.
Lena Krämer is a conservator of books and library materials. After completing an undergraduate degree in History and Philosophy in Ireland, she studied conservation at West Dean College in the UK, where her MA degree was awarded a distinction in 2021. She stayed in the UK to work at private conservation studio Green´s Books, which sparked her interest in the practice-based understanding of the development of bookbinding structures. This interest continues to be fed by her current responsibility as a conservator caring for the objects in the University Library Special Collections in Graz, her home town, to which she returned in2022. Lena has published several articles and is assistant to the editors of Bookbinder, the journal of the Society of Bookbinders. She is also a member of the International Association of Book and Paper Conservators (IADA) and the Vereinigung ÖsterreichischerBibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare (VÖB).

Dr. Thomas Csanády
Thomas Csanády is the Administrative Head of the Special Collections at the University Library of Graz. He is a member of Vestigia – The Manuscript Research Centre of Graz University as well as a member of the IMS – Study Group Cantus Planus for musicology, and of VÖB, Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare. He studied theology and completed postgraduate studies in information technology and librarianship in Graz and Vienna. Thomas Csanády is a lecturer at the Institute of Liturgy at the Faculty of Theology at Graz University. He did his PhD in the medieval liturgical history and works on the liturgical origin of the Diocese of Seckau, Austria. His main areas of research are the history of the liturgy, the liturgy of the medieval Metropolitan seat of Salzburg, medieval liturgical manuscripts of the western tradition (12th/13th century), codicology and the history of the book.